Thermostat head for visually impaired people


Rettig ICC's Vision for Enhancing Thermostat Designs

Rettig ICC aims to elevate the role of thermostats as integral interior components in homes. Currently, thermostats are typically regarded as purely technical aspects of home renovations, often overlooked in terms of design and user choice. Consequently, end-users frequently find themselves with limited options when selecting thermostats. Nonetheless, thermostats are functional products that periodically come into view and have the potential for aesthetic enhancement.

Focus of the Thermostat Design for Public Spaces

The chosen focus for this project's thermostat design direction includes aspects such as being insightful, capable of adjustment without the need to view a scale, and simplicity to seamlessly integrate into public service premises. These design objectives are guided by a commitment to ensuring that the end-users are presented with an intuitive, hassle-free experience when interacting with the thermostat, regardless of their familiarity with such devices. By emphasizing these design principles, the goal is to produce a thermostat that provides a discreet yet effective way to control temperature. This design aims to make the thermostat blend seamlessly into public spaces while remaining essential to their function.


Shape forming

Different shapes were tested with various air holes and grip surfaces to determine the most functional yet aesthetically simple design. Here are some examples.

Final prototype

Final prototype

Oval Design Simplicity

Oval design’s elegant shape and minimalistic aesthetics allow it to seamlessly blend into various interior styles and settings, making it a versatile choice for any home or space. This simplicity not only enhances the overall visual appeal but also ensures that the thermostat doesn't disrupt the harmony of the room's design.

Intuitive Adjustment Mechanism

The turning mechanism employed in this thermostat design goes beyond aesthetics; it offers practical advantages. By using a 90° angle to signify a hot temperature and a 180° angle to indicate that it's turned off, this design becomes incredibly intuitive for users of all ages. Moreover, it caters to those with visual impairments by allowing them to rely on the tactile sensation of the position, further enhancing accessibility and usability.

Affordability and Entertainment

While the design remains budget-friendly, it doesn't compromise on delivering a delightful experience. The turning effect, which may seem like a small detail, adds an element of entertainment to everyday life within the household. It transforms a mundane task into a tactile and engaging interaction, demonstrating that functional items can also contribute to the overall enjoyment of one's living space. This blend of affordability and entertainment value makes it a compelling choice for consumers seeking both practicality and a touch of charm in their home products.